©Kirton News 2025

February 2017

The Editors Letter

Welcome all to 2017 and I hope it brings for you all you wish for yourselves.

I write this on the eve of DT’s inauguration into the Oval Office wondering, only briefly, why the names of both the ‘Leader of the Free World’ and his Nemesis (or will it be best buddy?) sound like my old Mum passing wind.

So many questions.

As we continue this year with centennial memories of The Great War our cover this month harks back to last years’ twilight commemoration for the anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of the Somme. A splendid image taken by local photographer Mr. David R. Taylor. I must correct an error from late last year as I omitted to credit him with also taking the pic we used for our November cover. Many thanks David and keep ‘em coming!

This year, 2017, sees the hundreth anniversary of another of Field Marshall Haig’s exercises in mass slaughter, the Third Battle of Ypres, later known simply as ‘Passchendaele’; the last great battle of attrition from the period. Notorious for Mud and Mustard Gas it produced some of the most memorable - and tragic - images of the war.

In my opinion all those blokes were heroes no matter how reluctant some may have been but the War did produce a certified local hero, Sergeant Harold Jackson VC who served with the East Yorkshire Regiment.

This is an early appeal for information. Do any of you reading this know of any relatives of Sgt. Jackson still living locally? If so could you point me in their direction please.

Harold Jackson won his VC in action on March 22 1918. Unfortunately he would be killed fighting in August of that year but he is to be commemorated in 2018.

The Government is funding local Councils to commission & lay Paving Stones in commemoration of First World War recipients of the Victoria Cross. Stones to be laid on the Centenary of the award.

I have been contacted by a retired member of the East Yorkshire Regiment (and it’s successor the Prince Of Wales’s Own Regiment Of Yorkshire) and they would like to be involved in any service. It would be fitting if a direct local descendant of Harold’s were also present for the occasion so get them jungle drums beating folks!

Lastly for this month, I’ve noticed a recent ‘interaction’ on Facebook (I only dip in very occasionally, but this is definitely worth a mention) about the pedestrian crossing on Station Road. It appears some drivers feel they have a right to ignore the highway code and just don’t bother stopping for those trying to cross!

My wife and I were involved in the action to get that crossing in place some years ago, spurred on greatly by the tragic death of a child on the last day of one Summer Term. Is it going to take another innocent death to make certain of you behave like reasonable human beings?

Sort yourselves out - for all our sakes!



The Royal British Legion -
Kirton & District Branch

Dear Readers, I would just like to update you on the activities of what your local branch of The Royal British Legion has been doing.

We started off the year with a service to commemorate the start of the battle of the Somme on July 1st 1916 with a sunset service at the war memorial on the 30th June 2016 to Remember 100 years ago, the men of Kirton who were killed in this battle which lasted for 3 months.

We then held a service in support of Boston Wood Trust in Jenny’s Wood on the 6th November to remember the men of Wyberton who gave their lives for King and County in the two world wars. On the following day, Monday 7th of November the children of Kirton Primary School planted a field of remembrance crosses on the approach to the church, this made a fitting tribute for the Sunday Remembrance parade when entering the church.

At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month we held a service at the War Memorial conducted by the Parish Church of Kirton in attendance were Parish Councillors, members of TRBL Kirton and District Branch and Women’s Section, Kirton Primary School, Middlecott Academy and the Middlecott Academy Cadet Force, there were also a large gathering of the general public.

On the 13th November, the Sunday Remembrance service was outstanding with a very large parade of Parish Councillors, Branch members including the Women’s Section, Kirton Fire Service, Army Cadets, Scouts Organisation, Girl Guides Organisation and the Middlecott Academy. It is a credit to the parents and the entire village on how well the younger members of the parade behave on the parade and in the church service.

At our monthly meeting in December we were proud to present to Mr Ian Turner a Tie Pin and a letter of appreciation from the head of the poppy appeal for all his hard work in volunteering as a street collect for more than 15 years, collecting on the streets of Kirton for the poppy appeal

The Royal British Legion Women’s Section and Kirton District Branch of TRBL provided and displayed a Christmas tree in Kirton’ s St. Paul & St. Peter Parish Church Christmas tree festival. 

Please have a safe and a very good new year


My Christmas Surprise

Kirton Church held their annual Christmas tree festival which began on Saturday3rd December, there were 40 trees evenly spaced around the inner walls of the Church all beautifully decorated, these were kindly provided by local clubs, organisations, and businesses of the village.

The Church organizers, and all people who worked so hard preparing this event, and the wonderful display of decorated Christmas trees throughout the Church, must, all be highly congratulated for their efforts.

On Sunday morning following, I was working in Church preparing the Alter for the Holy Communion service a little later on, much to my surprise the Church doors opened at 9.30am, and looking out, I saw 75 small children from the Beavers club stood in pairs the full length of the Church approach path, controlled by their Beaver Leaders. Their head leader Mavis, otherwise known as “Baloo” and assistant district commissioner of the Beavers organisation, began parading the children along the Christmas tree trail around the Church, I think the excitement of it all overwhelmed them, the chit chat noise, and small conversations between the children, was also overwhelming to me.

At the end of their Christmas tree tour the children all took a seat still very noisy, I was asked if I would stand in the middle of the Church for a little while, which I did. Didn’t know why, then there was one word of command from Baloo, quiet children, not a sound was heard, then from all the children came the Christmas song, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year, and so on to the end, then a great big cheer Merry Christmas, how wonderful and pleasing that was to hear from them all.

As the children left the Church still in pairs very well disciplined, shouted thank you good bye. I hope in a few years they may become members of this, their great Church in Kirton. Thank you all for a pleasant surprise. Alan Church sacristan.


Tree Festival - a great sucsess!

Kirton Church would like to thank all the following clubs, societies, organisations and businesses who supported the church Christmas Tree Festival 2016 and helped to make it such a success. Special thanks go to the Sponsors of Christmas Trees:

Kirton Parish Council
Kirton Methodist Church
Kirton Mothers’ Union
The Sisterhood
The Royal British Legion and the
Royal British Legion Women’s Section
The Kirton Scouts, Cubs & Beavers
The Kirton Guides, Brownies & Rainbows
The Kirton Kids Club
Kirton Library
Kirton Bowling Club
Kirton Bell Ringers
Kirton Town Hall Management Committee
Kirton Church Choir
Kirton Church Social Club
Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club
The Scout Shop
Kirton Healthcare (Chiropodists)
Elwood, Briggs & Turner (Vets)
The Kirton Walkers
The Monday Club
Kirton Fire Station
Kirton Kurlers
David & Sylvia Hilton for the Kirton News
Frampton WI
The Salon Hairdressers
Rush’s Hairdressing
LB Hair Studio
White Gables Nursing Home
Woodlands Court Care Home
Andrew Dennis, Woodlands Farm
Maggie Welberry
Christians Against Poverty
Middlecott Academy
Thera Trust
Heritage Lincolnshire
Wilsons’ Motorcycles

Sponsors of Raffle prizes
Elwood, Briggs and Turner (Vets)
The Salon Hairdressers
Rush’s Hairdressing
LB Hair Studio
Carl Dunham
Church members

Sponsors of Donations
F&T Auto Centre
KMB Construction Consultants
Haines Coaches
Kirton Fire Station
Andrew Dennis (Farmer)
Kirton Kurlers
White Gables Nursing Home
Kirton Bowling Club
The Scout Shop
The Kirton Beavers



The Kirton Church Fund

Congratulations to our winners and especially number 64 who is a first time winner and one of our newer members.

With over £1880 being raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2016 and over £7600 since we started in June 2012 it’s a massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all!

We have had no new members join for a while and there is plenty of room for more members. Currently we have only 48 members so there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

The January draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will be printed in the March magazine.

The February draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.

November 2016 Winners

1st PRIZE - £37.97 - TICKET NUMBER: 46
2nd PRIZE - £12.65 - TICKET NUMBER: 64

Decemebr 2016 Winners

1st PRIZE - £37.97 - TICKET NUMBER: 35
2nd PRIZE - £12.65 - TICKET NUMBER: 14


Kirton Kids Club

Here we are again – another holiday, another Christmas over and into a bright fresh new year and term.

How quickly it went but the children are happy and excited to be back.

There are now a few places at the breakfast club sessions but these will go very quickly – so if you wish to book your child in please contact us – after school also has places and again if you would like any of the above please give us a call or pop in.

Breakfast club starts at 7.30 am to school and after school finishes at 5.45 pm.

The children are offered a hot or cold menu in the morning and a ‘high tea’ in the afternoon with a drink included in the price.

Breakfast club is £3.50 per child per session and after school is £5.50 per child per session.

The club is open term time – matching the school dates, enabling parents and carers the chance to extend their day each side of the school times.

There is an ‘Aladdin’s cave’ of toys and equipment to keep the children happy and occupied.

In better weather there is a lovely outside space for the children to use and a large private car park to the front of the premises.

Contact us on 07583 762072 or on kkc09@live.co.uk


Parish Council News

Public Forum

Two residents came to enquire whether the Parish Council would buy the Phone box on Horseshoe Lane from BT for £1. They had enquired about doing it themselves but were unable to as individuals. They were prepared, with a bit of help from some neighbours to pay for all work to be carried out to get it up to standard and also to continue its maintenance.

Jen Moore – Environment and Sustainability Officer

Jen Moore came to inform members that the Public Space Protection Order will come into force in February 2017. Under this order residents of the whole Borough were subjected to its controls. This was devised after extensive consultation with professional bodies as well as residents of the Borough.

Under the new order it will be possible to enforce a fine of £100 for those who allow their dogs to foul and don’t pick it up. It will also be an offence to not carry a ‘poo bag’ when in control of a dog. The Borough is currently in talks with a private company who will carry out the enforcement. Under the order there are more powers for taking action against those who allow dog fouling, plus those who fly tip etc.

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman thanked the 4 councillors who helped/attended Last Night of the Proms evening which raised approximately £700 for the evening.

He also thanked the 4 councillors who attended the Remembrance Sunday. With thanks also given to Cllr Carter who was the Parade Marshall.

The Chairman asked that all members reply to emails sent to them by the Clerk which refer to attendance or asking for comments.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllrs Edwards, Hannay and Rylott and Danby gave their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllrs Lee and Carter declared an interest in item Town Hall on the agenda. Cllrs Ransome took no part in planning discussions as she is on the planning committee at the Borough.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved after a proposal by Cllr Lee which was seconded by Cllr Brotherton and agreed by the remainder, that the notes from the meeting on the 20th October 2016, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.

Police Matters

PCSO Williams reported the following incidents since the last meeting:1 shed burglary – bikes stolen – under investigation, damage to vehicles – under investigation, theft of heating oil – under investigation, theft of tools from building site – under investigation.

It was reported that there was fly tipping on Whitbread Lane which was garden waste – the Police were asked to watch this area as this was the second-time fly tipping of garden waste had been done in the same spot.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

The members were in agreement that the BT box should be adopted on Horseshoe Lane. Clerk to make enquiries with BT.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/ Clerk’s report

a) Meeres Lane Potholes reported to LCC ref 101000166148

b) Overgrown hedges from London Road entrance to Manor Road continuing down Manor Road reported to LCC ref 101000166147

c) Clerk has spoken to Ken Pratt from the County Council who is investigating the flooding in the village and has given him the information provided by the residents who attended the September meeting regarding the flooding in Green Lane – a full report is being undertaken to stop/understand the type of flooding which took place in June 2016 happening again.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

a) Lincolnshire county Council – Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan – publication of the site locations (pre-submission draft) – consultation

b) Temporary road closure for essential maintenance works by C3 construction on B1397 Boston Road (Bungley Lane to Kirton Medical Centre entrance

c) Lincolnshire County Council are bringing in a new process which shares information supplied by Parish Councillors with County Councillors in relation to highways services.

d) Resignation of Councillor: Sue Still has resigned regretfully. Clerk informed Electoral services at the Borough.

e) Walkabout results/reports/what is possible

Clerk to copy letter and give copy to all at the next meeting.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Brookes reported that Ken Pratt at the County Council is still gathering information at his desk prior to a full investigation in to the flooding in the village – Clerk to report the Coop flooding when any rain comes down to him.

Planning applications

B/16/0418 – Erection of 2No. detached dwellings, vehicular access and associated garages at Land north of Drainside South, Kirton – This area is not part of the development plan – Drainside South is a single-track lane and there are already issues with the number of vehicles which use this roadway, the site is boggy and has a drain along the full length. Removal of this area to development will put strains on the properties to its rear with regards to rainfall.

Outline application with all matters reserved for no.3 dwellings at land to the east of 26-34 Boston Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

Erection of a dwelling adjacent to 41 Thomas Middlecott Drive (existing single garage to be demolished) at 41 Thomas Middlecott Drive, Kirton – Overdevelopment of the site and not in keeping with the surrounding dwellings which are all house with garage and garden.

Application under s73a for the variation of condition2 (i.e. standard compliance condition listing all plans), condition 7 (i.e. details of the siting, design and appearance of the switchgear building (and condition 8 (i.e. details relating to the number, design and siting of the CCTV cameras) attached to permission B/15/0001.

These amendments include alterations to the layout of the site and the siting/design of the arrays, the installation of 2 transformer stations and an increase in the number of CCTV cameras from 4 to 23 at Land to the north of Meeres Lane and adjacent to Picks Barn, Kirton – this application should be retrospective – CCTV should be static as neighbouring properties are concerned regarding privacy.

Application under S.73a for the removal of condition 3 (Extensions) of planning permission B/06/0361 to enable extensions and outbuildings to be constructed under the provision of part 1, schedule 2, (class A) and (Class E) of the Town and Country Planning (GPD) (England) Order 2015 at 174 Willington Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

Cllr Austin gave a brief guide regarding hearings to members but took no part in discussion of the applications received.

Accounts for payment

It was resolved that the accounts as per payment sheet 8 of 12 dated November 2016/17 should be paid.

Town Hall

Cllr Carter was unable to attend.

The Town Hall Management Committee would like to get permission to use the Town Hall grassed area for their fete/fayre next summer. It was resolved that this is agreeable.

It was resolved to ask the Town Hall Management Committee to waiver the fee for the British Legion poppy count plus the Remembrance Sunday activities. Clerk to email Chair of committee.


The main gate has been repaired. Just needs a knob putting on it now. Cllrs will keep an eye out to get a suitable one.

The leaf cleaning has started in the cemetery.

Quotations regarding the severe cutting back of the 11 foot left-hand hedge were discussed and a contractor chosen. Cllr Lee will speak to contractor and liaise the work when Cllr Brotherton has cut back the walk area to allow the work to be carried out.

There is still some concern regarding the encroachment of the boundary for the first house on the new development on Boston Road, Cllr Lee will speak to the developers and ask that a boundary post be erected to ensure the builders/home buyer is fully aware of our boundary markers.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Foster enquired why the manhole cover missing from Donington Road has not been replaced still. Clerk to chase, Cllr Brookes will also enquire.

Cllr Lee reported that the noticeboard needs updating. Clerk reported that everything she has been putting in it has disappeared of late. It was resolved that a new locking noticeboard should be put up to replace the old one which is tired now.

Cllr Smith reported that some of the potholes on Sykemouth Drove have been filled and the remainder are programmed to be filled.

He also reported the footbridge over Little Side Road is missing some of the wooden railings. Clerk to report to LCC.

Also the exit from Little Side Road onto Holme Road is being obscured by overgrown hedges, making it dangerous to join Holme Road as motorists cannot see what is coming. Clerk to report this to LCC too.

Cllr Turner proposed that letters of thanks were sent to the three individuals who cleared up the War Memorial and Church areas in preparation for the Remembrance Parade. He also proposed letters of thanks be sent to the Police regarding their work during the Parade. It was resolved the Clerk should send these.

Parish matters

a) Inspection Rota: Cllr Danby needs to pass this on to Cllr Carter.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

No Baptisms this month

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

No Weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

6th December 2016 - Mrs Joyce Bemrose

6th January 2017 - Mrs Pamela Parsons